Telecommuting in the 21st Century: How to Implement or Improve Virtual Teams and Flexible Work in Your Organization (Part 10: Keeping at home workers safe)

February 11, 2010 by  

Welcome to Part 10 of our 13 part audio series on Flexible Work and Telecommuting –  Telecommuting in the 21st Century: How to Implement or Improve Virtual Teams and Flexible Work in Your Organization.

When implementing telework many managers and HR departments are concerned about how to ensure workers health and safety are protected adequately, outside of the normal office environment. When working from a home office it is really a shared obligation. While companies have a responsibility for their employees safety while “at work” employees are also responsible for maintaining a safe home environment.

In part 10 of our podcast we look at some of the considerations and planning involved to ensure safety and reduce risk for your telecommuters.

So listen in to Part 10: Keeping at home workers safe



Jeff Zbar : Founder of (and faciliator for our discussion on telecommuting).

Rachel Hastings: Vice President of WFC Resources Inc.

Phil Montero: CEO of Montero Consulting and Founder of and

Want the whole story?
Listen to all 13 parts of Telecommuting in the 21st Century.

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