Thomas Edison’s Keys To Managing Team Collaboration

February 25, 2013 by  

Edison Tower

It’s not just because we’re from Edison, NJ that makes us interested in this book  by Sarah Miller CaldicottMidnight Lunch: The 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Thomas Edison’s Lab

Thomas Edison created multi-billion dollar industries that still exist today. What many people don’t realize is that his innovations were generated through focused approaches to teamwork and collaboration. Authored by the great grandniece of Thomas Edison, Midnight Lunch provides an intriguing look at how to use Edison’s collaboration methods to strengthen live and virtual teams today. Edison’s four phases of collaboration success offer a simple yet powerful way to see how different combinations of live and digital resources can multiply results and deliver outstanding ROI now.

This sounds like an interesting and unique framework for talking about collaboration and communication on virtual teams.

Read a comprehensive review of Midnight Lunch here:
Thomas Edisons Keys To Managing Team Collaboration | Fast Company. by  Kaihan Krippendorff

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