The Mystery of Multitasking: Productivity Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs

March 10, 2010 by · 30 Comments 

Today I’m psyched to share a guest video post by my friend and colleague Chris Ducker. I met Chris through Twitter and it was immediately obvious we shared a passion for working virtually and living a flexible lifestyle.

Chris is the CEO of the Live2Sell Group of Companies, a thriving Total Business Outsourcing corporation based in the Philippines where he lives.

Chris has developed systems and ideas to manage his time and make his business life easier and more productive. Watch this short video where he explains why multitasking actually makes you less productive and shares tips for staying focused and growing your business:

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Shooting Flip Video or Digital Photos? Get yourself in the shot with XShot!

February 16, 2010 by · 11 Comments 

Recently while using my Flip camera to shoot some video for this blog I came across a problem. I was shooting the post about “working outside your office” so I wanted to move around and decided to hold the camera so I could be mobile and not be stuck with the static shot I would get from using my tripod (like I normally do).  There were two issues with this approach:

  1. My arms are only so long so I couldn’t hold the camera out far enough to get much of me and the background in the shot
  2. The camera shook a lot so the video jumped around a bit

As I always do when looking for the solution to a problem I searched Google and found a solution – the XShot 2.0 camera extender.  This amazing device is only 9″ in length and weighs 5 ozs. when closed but folds out (like an antennae) to 37″ long and can hold a camera up to 1.25 lbs.  It includes a standard tripod mount on the end that swivels up to 180 degrees so you can attach your point and shoot digital camera or your pocket camcorder (like the Flip video), simply extend it and get yourself and others in the shot!  I was jonesing on trying it out so I contacted XShot and they were kind enough to send me one so I could give it a try and review it for you.

Watch this video below where I do a quick demo of how it works:

Ever since I’ve had a digital camera I’ve always done the single-arm stretch to take photos of myself and others without having to ask someone Read more

Terry Tate Office Linebacker – Our Hero!

February 4, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

In honor of the SuperBowl this weekend (which should be a great game) I thought I’d post one of our favorite videos from SuperBowl’s past – Terry Tate Office Linebacker!  I still can’t understand why Reebok ever stopped this campaign.  Even if they put it on hold you think they would bring it back to life every year during football season.

I think a lot of offices could use TTT in the house! (Warning – if a bit of strong language bothers you, or laughing so hard you cry, then you might not want to watch this).

You know you can’t bring that weak-ass stuff up in this humpty-bumpty! You kill the joe you make some moe or else your in for a long day a loooong day babyyyyy wooooo!! Jason and I never get tired of watching this . . . it was one of the first videos I put on my iPod Touch!

For more Terry Tate videos visit . . . Happy Superbowl Weekend – enjoy the game!

Work Outside Your Office – A shift in perspective

January 28, 2010 by · 23 Comments 

Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day in sunny Florida so I decided to work from the back patio rather than my home office as I usually do.  It got me to thinking about how this is another example of what Jason and I are always talking about with regards to changing your workstyle – small adjustments that lead to big results.  I recorded this short video to talk about it and encourage you to work from somewhere other than your usual workplace.

Please excuse the shaky camera work – I was holding the Flip camera instead of using a tripod as I wanted to be able to show you some of the surroundings.  I’m still learning how to hold it steady when shooting myself (either that or maybe I should have had a little less coffee!)

So what is your favorite alternative place to work? Post a comment below and let us know!

3 Tech Tools to Help You Travel Lighter

January 15, 2010 by · 13 Comments 

During this past holiday season I spent about 18 days in Syracuse NY visiting family and friends.  I decided for the first time ever to travel for an extended holiday vacation without my laptop – having to walk through several airports lugging heave luggage I figured the less tech gear I had to take with me the better!  Thanks to two small pieces of technology (that fit in my pocket) and one service I use I was able to stay connected, entertained, and when needed – productive.

Watch this short video to learn more about how I took The Anywhere Office with me and was able to work from anywhere while traveling lighter than ever before!

Two things I forgot to mention in the video . . . The reason I have an iPod Touch and not an iPhone is because I refuse to switch from Verizon to AT&T as my cellphone provider.  I have been a loyal Verizon customer for years for two main reasons – excellent signal (I can make and receive calls from just about anywhere and almost never have a dropped call) and great customer service (sadly almost unheard of today).  The minute Apple gets smart and moves away from their exclusive deal with AT&T and brings the iPhone (or some variation of it) to Verizon I will be the first one in line to get one!

Also one additional app I use on my iPod Touch that really helped me stay in touch was Yahoo Messenger.  Yahoo is the main IM service I use and I was able to seamlessly stay connected using my iPod Touch so I didn’t miss any messages from my family, friends, and colleagues – simply awesome.

BTW – I shot this video using my new Flip UltraHD camcorder and the Gorilla Tripod – 2 more great portable pieces of technology I have!

Comment below and let me know what is the key technology you use to stay connected when on the road.

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