Smartphones and Work Life Balance

June 29, 2009 by · 35 Comments 

A couple of days ago in the Making Flexibility Work group on LinkedIn a question was asked
about the positives and negatives of smartphones on work/life balance.

In my experience when it comes to smartphones and work/life balance I think a lot of the pros/cons are about how a person uses a tool such as this. Like any technology you have to know when to turn it off and setup personal guidelines for how to use it.

These communication guidelines should be clearly explained to others you work with as well. Sometimes people think because you have a smartphone that gives you almost instant access to email you should be replying to every message within minutes regardless of what time of day it is.

I am a proponent of “work/life integration” as I believe balance can be difficult to achieve at times – but tools such as smartphones and other new communication tools make it easier to integrate work into your life. So if that means you have to do a bit of work on your vacation – but instead you get to take vacations you couldn’t take before – in my opinion that is a win.

That being said I still think it’s important to block out dedicated time away from work where you can focus on family, friends, relaxation, and personal development without the distractions.

I often joke about our company website being NOT “You Should Work From Everywhere”. That’s how I weigh in on this issue. Please share your comments below as I am eager to see your thoughts on this topic.

Does your backup strategy include your cell phone?

October 29, 2008 by · 11 Comments 

While I know it’s probably not accurate (at least not as much as I’d like it to be), I’m going to assume that you have some type of backup system in place for your important data. You know those little things like the documents, email, and contacts you need to stay in business.  The sad truth is that many mobile workers and too few home offices have a good backup system in place.

There are plenty of options for backing up the data on your computer such as writeable CDs and DVDs, external USB hard drives, and affordable online backup services. And if you are smart you have some type of system in place – one that is automated and scheduled as much as possible so you don’t have to think about it. But is ALL the data you need to be up and running easily restored?

How about all the contacts on your cell phone?  Have you found the best way to back up your cell phone address book? If you lost your phone or it was stolen could you restore them easily to a new phone?

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Send email, text messages, and reminders with your voice

September 17, 2008 by · 3 Comments 

If there is one thing I’ve learned 17-months into fatherhood, it’s that I no longer seem to be able to keep a thought in my head! Between running a busines, working with clients, the endless list of things to do around the house, and frolicking with my little boy – my brain is often full.  So I realized that if I don’t write things down immediately – within seconds – whooosh – it’s gone.

The problem is that many times when I think of these things I am driving, on line at a store, or somewhere else where it’s just not practical to write down my reminders.  My savior and solution has come through exploring some new services available that let you use your cellphone to easily send yourself a reminder, or send emails and text messages to others all with just your voice! Read more

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