Working Together…When Apart –

June 19, 2007 by · 0 Comments 

Working Together…When Apart –

Phil and I have been wood-shedding as of late, releasing updated versions of our Tipbooks, creating 3 new Virtual Training CDs, and conducting a number of Virtual Team Workshops

When I saw this Wall Street Journal article I wanted to share it on the blog because it is a perfect distillation of the key issues and ideas in which we have been immersed.

Although each virtual team situation has unique qualities, there are some fundamental challenges that appear repeatedly – these are highlighted in this excellent article by Lynda Gratton along with 10 steps that any team can take to collaborate more effectively across distance.

In our workshops we often stress the importance of fostering informal communication, and many times organizations are surprised by this (or even dismiss the idea) because it is an area they have given little or no thought. I’d like to point out that the first step Ms. Gratton details relates to informal communication…