Master the Art of Living

August 30, 2006 by · 18 Comments 

Here is a quote I have hanging on my home office wall. It ties in perfectly with my philosophy of work life integration.


The person who is a master in the art of living makes little
distinction between their work and their play,
their labor and their leisure, their mind and their body,
their education and their recreation,
their love and their religion.

They hardly know which is which.
They simply pursue their vision of excellence and grace in whatever they do,
leaving others to decide whether they are working or playing.

To them, they are always doing both.

From the Zen Buddhist text

Show #8: Juggling your life is not a circus trick

August 30, 2006 by · Leave a Comment 

This week we discussed work life balance and work life integration. Thanks to Gil Gordon for joining us as our guest on the show.

If you missed the show you can listen in below or download the MP3 file.

Show # 8: Juggling Your Life is Not a Circus Trick

With all of the tools and strategies we embrace on our show, and that comprise the concept of The Anywhere Office there is the danger that your Anywhere Office can become an everywhere office blurring the boundaries between your work and your personal life. This week we were joined by Gil Gordon, telework guru and author of “Turn it Off“, to discuss strategies for work life integration and work life balance.

Here’s what we covered:

To listen to the show you can use the flash player below or download the MP3 file. Use the PLAY IN POPUP link below if you want to use our flash player and roam the web while listening.

TAO Podcast – eMarketing Overview

August 27, 2006 by · Leave a Comment 

This episode is a change of pace; rather than a segment from last week’s radio show, this is lesson one of a 6 part eClass that we offer on internet marketing through our site. We discuss some fundamentals of successful eMarketing. In a few weeks we will be dedicating a number of full radio shows to how small businesses, entrepreneurs, and solo professionals can utilize the concept of The Anywhere Office. Some of the strategies and technologies introduced in this podcast will be examined in detail during those shows.

Visit and sign up for updates to learn more about this special series. While you are there be sure to visit our blog and post comments and feedback as well.

TAO Podcast Theme Music – Begin by Andy Simon

eClass Music Bed – Walking Along Kevin MacLeod (

Show #7: Telework and the Government

August 24, 2006 by · 2 Comments 

This week we discuss telework and the US Government. We examined this from several angles to see where they are making strides and where they need to work harder. Thanks to Chuck Wilsker for joining us as our guests on the show.

If you missed the show you can listen in below or download the MP3 file.

Show # 7: Telework and the Government

Telework or telecommuting has long been an issue of much discussion in the US government on the federal, state, and local levels. Some embrace it while others seem to resist it. Joined by Chuck Wilsker, President of the Telework Coalition, based in Washington DC, we discuss the current state of telework in the government as well as look at some policy, success stories, and challenges for wide scale acceptance and implementation.

Here’s what we covered:

To listen to the show you can use the flash player below or download the MP3 file. Use the PLAY IN POPUP link below if you want to use our flash player and roam the web while listening.

TAO Podcast – Virtual Team Tips

August 20, 2006 by · 8 Comments 

This episode contains the Top 5 Tips segment from last week’s radio show. We discuss tools and strategies for virtual team success.

Visit and click archives to listen to the complete show. While you are there be sure to visit our blog and post comments and feedback as well.

TAO Podcast Theme Music – Begin by Andy Simon

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